Around the Campfire:

My father loved the Bohemian Grove and to sit around the campfire at Sons of Toil Camp discussing events of the day, ancient history, the foundations of modern science and of course telling limericks. Once I became a professor, I became eligible to join the Club as a Faculty Member. I did this with some reluctance, but thought it might be a good opportunity to spend some time with my Dad, something we seldom had done. I am so glad I got this opportunity, not only to be with him, but to experience the fellowship and warmth of his campmates. We had nine Grove Encampments together, far more that I initially expected because his health was already dimming in 1998. It was becoming very difficult for him by 2006, his last Encampment. I remember asking him if it was too much of an effort for him to make the trip. His response was "it is just good to be here". He enjoyed every minute and especially those times with his old friends around the fire, unexpected happenings such as a poetry reading or port tasting, the talks and performances and dining under the redwoods. I think I got to know my Dad a lot better because of these experiences and will always be grateful for that.

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